110AG    110AG IT DECAY (249.83 D)     1965GE01,1993KA37,1975CL0312NDS    201206
110AG  H TYP=FUL$AUT=G. G~URDAL and F.G. KONDEV$CIT=NDS 113, 1315 (2012)$
110AG2 H CUT=1-Aug-2011$
110AG DG CC$ FROM BrIcc v2.2 (31-Mar-2008) 2008KiAA, "Frozen Orbitals" appr.
110AG C  1965GE01, 1993KA37: Reaction: {+109}Ag(n,|g). Measured: CE
110AG C  1975CL03: {+110}Ag{+m} (249.83 D) Decay. Measured: CE-inner shell
110AG2C  vacancy delayed coincidences. Deduced: T1/2, J|p. {+109}Ag(n,|g),
110AG3C  E=thermal. Measured: E|g, |g-inner shell delayed coincidences
110AG C  Others: 1967MO12, 1965HA07, 1963SU07, 1962KA07, 1950SI01
110AG CL E,J,T$From adopted levels
110AG  P 117.59    5 6+                249.83 D  4
110AG  N  1.0        1.0       0.0133  8
110AG CN  $%IT is determined as TI(116|g)=100 - TI(658|g+1476|g+1783|g)
110AG PN  1.0                                                                3
110AG  L 0.0         1+                24.56 S   11
110AG  L 1.112     162-                660 NS    40
110AG  G 1.16      3 0.00142 13E1                      933    66 1.33     8
110AG CG E$From 1993KA37
110AG CG RI$Estimated by the evaluators using I(|g+ce) and ICC
110AG CG M$M1/M2/M3=0.3 1/1.0/2.1 4, N1/N2/N3=0.25 10/1.00/2.0 6 (1993KA37).
110AG2CG Theoretical ICE ratios (calculated by ^T. Kibedi, priv. communication)
110AG3CG with the ^RAINE  code using the same atomic and nuclear parameters as
110AG4CG ^BRICC by ^T. Kibedi): M1/M2/M3= 0.3/1.0/2.2, N1/N2/N3=0.43/1.00/2.11
110AG CG CC$933 66, calculated with the ^RAINE code using the same atomic and
110AG2CG nuclear parameters as ^BRICC (^T. Kibedi, private communication)
110AG  L 117.59    5 6+                249.83 D  4                           M1
110AG  G 116.48    5 0.0080  5 M4                      164.9  17 1.33     8
110AG CG E$From 1990ME15
110AG CG RI$From TI and CC. Other: 0.0085 3 in 1990Me15 relative to I|g(658)=100
110AG CG M$From K/L=2.04 6, L1/L2=4.8 5, L1/L3=1.02 2 (1965GE01).
110AG2CG Other: K/L=2.1 2 (1963SU07), K/L=1.95 10 (1965HA07)